Nov 23, 2010

My London Experience: Recreation

While in London, I didn’t have a lot of time to go out and visit monuments and museums, because I was working and because it was way too hot. All I did was go out for a barbecue with pals from the English course, go out in two random clubs (Zoo Bar & Club because it was free, and Metra Bar & Club because they offered a free shooter of alcohol at the entrance) with pals from work, and go out with them again in two of the most famous clubs in the world: Ministry of Sound and fabric.
I don’t remember a lot of things from inside the first one, except that I lost myself. And in order to come back home, I got on a typical London cab that brought my as close from home as possible with the money I had left. I ended up by foot, and encountered a leash of foxes, which made me quicken my pace. This club left me mixed feelings, contrary to the second one: fabric. Once I got inside the premises, I didn’t rest for the next 7 hours, and kept moving on the minimal techno beat till past 7am. It was an amazing experience and should be a must-go for every electronic music fan. When I got out, it was daylight, and I got accosted by unofficial cab drivers. It was quite funny because I knew what they wanted, but I couldn’t hear anything: my ears were buzzing after 7 hours of very loud music. Unfortunately for them, this time, I went back home by the Tube and by train. And unfortunately for me, I got on the wrong direction Tube train.
I don’t remember how, but a friend of mine when I was in high school contacted me. He was working in London for an Internet security certificates company and invited me for a few drinks. Indeed we had some, and this time, I tried to come back home by bus. Unfortunately again for me, the driver didn’t see me and I had to wait for a very long time. And when I finally got on a bus, I pressed the button way too early but I didn’t notice until I was on the street, and had to walk for more than an hour and a half to ultimately find my bed.
At this time, my sister was working au pair near Guildford (45min from Waterloo station by train). So from mid-July to mid-August, I paid her a visit during the weekend, two or three times. I met her friends and her boyfriend, we had some drinks and sometimes went downtown in clubs or bars. It was quite cool meeting her, because I hadn’t done so in almost a year.


  1. But you have drunk anytime ! You have done anything when you're drunk ! And then your articles are too long for me and my poor English.

  2. I can imagine you dancing like a zombi till 7! lol

  3. I remember once after work, when we went to the pub. One of my coworkers, a Brazilian, was talking with me, and after a few drinks I realized I was trying to speak English with his Brazilian accent :-)

  4. I spent two days in london when i was younger. There are some beautiful places to go, even if you cannot take a drink in all of them ! :) . But you seem to have a lot of fun there, i think it is the matter.
